
Blue Greens Supreme Smoothie

This blue beauty is brimming with greens for antioxidants and your daily dose of collagen.


109 total reviews

180 g
YIELD:1 serving

If you’re looking to add a little more colour to your diet, this supreme smoothie is it.

Anthocyanins give wild blueberries their rich colour and have potent antioxidant effects. We’ve amped it up with Landish SmarterGreens for micronutrients, prebiotic fiber, and antioxidants from 7 powerful greens including spinach, kale, and spirulina.

Rich in vitamin E, almond butter contains 26% of your daily value and 3.4 grams of protein—while Landish Pure Marine Collagen adds another 8 grams.

1 ½ cups frozen wild blueberries
1 tbsp Landish SmarterGreens
1 ½ tbsp Landish Pure Marine Collagen
1 tbsp almond butter
1 cup milk of choice
1 medium ripe banana


Place all the ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth.


Serve immediately.